Growing your BioMat Business during CoVid

If you are a BioMat distributor, you have likely had to be creative about growing your BioMat [...]

Growing your BioMat Business during CoVid2021-06-03T16:50:12+00:00

Have fun visiting our blogs!

For more than four years, we have faithfully (!) entered a blog post on this website every [...]

Have fun visiting our blogs!2021-06-03T17:02:36+00:00

The BioMat and “Word Salad”

Something different for this weeks’ blog - the BioMat and "word salad"!! For those of you who [...]

The BioMat and “Word Salad”2021-06-04T19:57:05+00:00

Special BioMat Winter Bundle Up Promotion!

We are excited to share the special BioMat winter Bundle Up promotion! Here’s the details: Total Purchase [...]

Special BioMat Winter Bundle Up Promotion!2021-06-04T20:01:48+00:00

Update about the BioMat and CoVid-19

This blog post is an update about the BioMat and CoVid-19. Back in March, we thought this [...]

Update about the BioMat and CoVid-192021-06-04T20:43:15+00:00

The BioMat’s Germanium Power Pad

The newest addition to Richway International’s product line is the BioMat’s Germanium Power Pad. The Germanium Power [...]

The BioMat’s Germanium Power Pad2021-06-05T15:31:32+00:00
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