Using your Insurance for the BioMat

Today’s blog will cover an important topic of paying for your BioMat. First of all, many of [...]

Using your Insurance for the BioMat2024-09-09T16:36:06+00:00

My BioMat Story

We asked a happy customer to share “My BioMat Story” of her purchase and use. “I discovered [...]

My BioMat Story2023-09-18T15:04:14+00:00

What’s Your BioMat Story?

Everyone has a story; what’s your BioMat story? How did you find out about the BioMat? I [...]

What’s Your BioMat Story?2023-09-11T15:53:03+00:00

Richway BioMat Pricing

In this blog post, we are talking about Richway BioMat pricing. And yes, we know it is [...]

Richway BioMat Pricing2022-07-18T17:06:12+00:00

Insurance Coverage for the BioMat

Many people are interested in insurance coverage for the BioMat. Everyone loves to save money, right?! So, [...]

Insurance Coverage for the BioMat2022-06-13T14:28:24+00:00

Explaining BioMat Holiday Shipping

This is an important blog post explaining BioMat holiday shipping. First of all, bio-mats are shipped via [...]

Explaining BioMat Holiday Shipping2021-11-29T15:55:12+00:00

Details about the Professional-Size BioMat Discount

This blog post gives details about the professional-size BioMat discount. Did you know Richway International (the BioMat’s [...]

Details about the Professional-Size BioMat Discount2021-11-01T15:37:53+00:00

Additional Licensure and Certification of the BioMat

This week, we are sharing information about additional licensure and certification of the BioMat. Bio-mats secure licensure [...]

Additional Licensure and Certification of the BioMat2021-10-18T15:58:29+00:00

Why Select a Richway BioMat?

This blog post addresses why select a Richway BioMat versus a fake or knock-off BioMat. Without any [...]

Why Select a Richway BioMat?2021-09-27T16:48:13+00:00
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