Update about the BioMat and CoVid-19

This blog post is an update about the BioMat and CoVid-19. Back in March, we thought this [...]

Update about the BioMat and CoVid-192021-06-04T20:43:15+00:00

Using the BioMat during these Challenging Times

Many of our customers have commented positively about using the BioMat during these challenging times. We don’t [...]

Using the BioMat during these Challenging Times2021-06-04T20:52:05+00:00

Colds/Flu Season without a BioMat?

How do we survive the winter and colds/flu season without a BioMat? We aren’t sure and we [...]

Colds/Flu Season without a BioMat?2021-06-06T21:32:07+00:00
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