Grateful for your Continued Support

The month of November is a wonderful month of gratitude and we, at, are grateful for [...]

Grateful for your Continued Support2023-11-06T17:37:15+00:00

Celebrating our 12th Anniversary

This week, we are celebrating our 12th Anniversary with the BioMat. We continue to be so grateful [...]

Celebrating our 12th Anniversary2022-11-07T18:24:50+00:00

Happy 11th Anniversary with the BioMat

We are excited to say, “Happy 11th Anniversary with the BioMat!” It is hard to believe it [...]

Happy 11th Anniversary with the BioMat2021-11-08T15:26:45+00:00

Gratitude and the BioMat

We hear many people talk about gratitude, so we decided to share a blog post about gratitude [...]

Gratitude and the BioMat2021-06-04T20:53:13+00:00

The BioMat and “Word Salad”

Something different for this weeks’ blog - the BioMat and "word salad"!! For those of you who [...]

The BioMat and “Word Salad”2021-06-04T19:57:05+00:00

BioMat Holiday Survival Guide!

We know the holidays can be a very busy and sometimes, stressful time, and this blog article [...]

BioMat Holiday Survival Guide!2016-12-05T13:58:53+00:00
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