In the last blog post, we began to share information about BioMatInc’s loaner program. Here, we are offering a few more details about this important possibility for you to try this awesome product!

Upon leaving the loaner BioMat in your possession, we have the following thoughts:

  • We suggest that you keep a journal about your use and experiences with the BioMat. You may also wish to write down any issues you are having and we can discuss them in follow-up phone calls. Another advantage of jotting down your thoughts is as the BioMat helps eliminate your health challenges, it will be fun/interesting for you to review later how it has actually helped you!
  • We request that you sign a Loaner Agreement for responsibility of proper care and damage. (You have $2,000 equipment in your possession so proper use and care is vital.) Since it is important for the loaner bio-mats to be returned in pristine condition, please do not allow your pets on the BioMat. (If you decide to purchase, your pets will love the BioMat, but for the loaner program, please avoid any pet/BioMat contact.)
  • We will be following up throughout your trial. This will give us an understanding of how you are using it and how it is going; also, you can ask any questions at that time so that you are able to maximize your trial.
  • Your BioMat trial is like having an in-home spa treatment and this is a great time for your family and friends to experience it for free, as well. (Also, if you are considering becoming a distributor, you will see how easy it is to sell them to your loved ones as they say, “I want one, too!!”)
  • Finally, when returning it, please fold it correctly (like we demonstrated when we gave it to you) and make sure it is completely cooled down before you put it in the suitcase.

If you have any questions or need additional information about’s Loaner Program, please feel free to contact us at 952-829-1919).