Details about the Professional-Size BioMat Discount

This blog post gives details about the professional-size BioMat discount. Did you know Richway International (the BioMat’s [...]

Details about the Professional-Size BioMat Discount2021-11-01T15:37:53+00:00

Additional Licensure and Certification of the BioMat

This week, we are sharing information about additional licensure and certification of the BioMat. Bio-mats secure licensure [...]

Additional Licensure and Certification of the BioMat2021-10-18T15:58:29+00:00

Why Select a Richway BioMat?

This blog post addresses why select a Richway BioMat versus a fake or knock-off BioMat. Without any [...]

Why Select a Richway BioMat?2021-09-27T16:48:13+00:00

Richway Care Program Terms and Conditions

The previous three blog entries have been about the BioMat’s warranty; this post features information about the [...]

Richway Care Program Terms and Conditions2021-09-05T15:20:07+00:00

Additional Information on the BioMat’s Warranty

Please see the previous two posts for additional information on the BioMat’s warranty. The following chart details [...]

Additional Information on the BioMat’s Warranty2021-08-30T14:39:54+00:00

More on the BioMat’s Warranty

As promised from last week’s blog entry, this week we are continuing to share more on the [...]

More on the BioMat’s Warranty2021-08-23T14:37:07+00:00

The BioMat’s Warranty

This post includes the latest information on the BioMat’s warranty. While repairs are rare, some bio-mats are [...]

The BioMat’s Warranty2021-08-16T14:47:59+00:00

Growing your BioMat Business during CoVid

If you are a BioMat distributor, you have likely had to be creative about growing your BioMat [...]

Growing your BioMat Business during CoVid2021-06-03T16:50:12+00:00

Amethyst in the BioMat

We love amethyst in the BioMat, do you?! We hear so frequently from our customers that they [...]

Amethyst in the BioMat2021-06-03T16:47:35+00:00
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