BioMat Offers Benefits

We get a lot of questions about how the BioMat offers benefits to different people/health challenges. More [...]

BioMat Offers Benefits2018-06-25T14:46:04+00:00

Beginning BioMat Usage Tips

For our new users, here are several beginning BioMat usage tips: We understand every person is an [...]

Beginning BioMat Usage Tips2018-06-11T16:36:04+00:00

BioMat Contraindications – Part II

After we finished the last blog post, we realized we needed to share more, so this is [...]

BioMat Contraindications – Part II2018-04-03T21:52:47+00:00

Does the BioMat Really Work?

If you have ever heard of the BioMat, you are probably wondering does the BioMat really work. [...]

Does the BioMat Really Work?2017-01-23T18:28:02+00:00
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