“The reality is that healing happens between people. The wound in me evokes the healer in you, and the wound in you evokes the healer in me, and then as the two healers, we collaborate.” ~ Rachel Naomi Remen
This is a beautiful quote! And how does it relate to the BioMat?
Recently, we exhibited the BioMat at the Iowa Massage Therapy conference in Des Moines, IA. There were approximately 250 licensed massage therapists present. It was fun to share it with a group:
- Who had not ever heard of the BioMat before.
- Who will use it so much for both themselves and/or their own practices.
As more and more attendees tried it, telling their friends of its awesome-ness(!!), we saw the “light bulb” illuminate of healers collaborating.
We propose that the Richway BioMat helps heal the wounded healer. This is vital for healers who want to help others. In so many ways, it connects directly to self-care. Caring for oneself is a beautiful gift to give yourself, as well as to offer others.
As Rachel Naomi says, “Healing happens between people” and we have seen over and over how certain healing products, such as the BioMat can help facilitate healing between product and person. Further, as Rachel Naomi states, “As my wound evokes the healer in you” and vice versa (your wound evokes my healing capacity), we see how synergetic the BioMat can be as it works with both the wounded and the healing parts of ourselves. Rachel Naomi continues, “The two healers collaborate” and we say the BioMat becomes the third potent healer in the “mix” of the relationships. This is definitely a synergistic collaboration!
How and when do we see examples “play out?”
- It reminds us of the adage “Healer, heal thyself.” When healers “work” on themselves and heal, they have abundant gifts of healing to offer others. The BioMat is a vital, useful tool for the healer to heal, especially as they do their physical, emotional and spiritual “work” so that they can be present on others’ journeys.
- This is particularly true for licensed and/or certified practitioners in Healing Touch, Reiki and other energy healers, as well as massage therapists and many other body workers of numerous different modalities (cranio-sacral therapy, Feldenkrais, rolfing, shiatsu massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu … and on and on the list could go!). These energy healers and body workers are usually in a “healing mode” when they are working with clients. The clients’ wounds evoke these healers and the healers tap into their knowledge and expertise so that they can provide a powerful healing session – in breadth and depth. Clients greatly benefit and you may hear healers frequently say they, too, learn so much about themselves because of their clients!
- And medical professionals? It is our hope and goal to eventually have this system utilize the BioMat. Talk about the circle of wounding and healing!
On a different note, but still about healing, we recently have had several people say, “I want more time to meditate and need a healing tool to help!” We love this comment because we know how bio-mats can help with a meditation practice.
So, what makes the Richway BioMat a popular and necessary meditation tool? The far infrared heat of the BioMat penetrates deeply and evenly. This heat allows us to deeply relax and helps us “go into the zone” – a lovely space for effective meditations. And the negative ions of the BioMat give us the euphoric feeling, making us feel elevated and energized (similar to how we feel when we meditate). As the Richway BioMat emits negative ions, this is certainly one component that can help assist in the meditation process. Further, amethyst is a very spiritual stone and can help facilitate our connection to our spirituality/the Divine. It is all about laying on a bed of amethyst on the professional-size, Single, Queen or King-size BioMat.
The Amethyst Pillow is fifty percent amethyst and fifty percent green tourmaline. In other words, it is a very “high vibe” pillow!! What do we mean by that? The amethyst in the pillow is a great “medium” for meditation and spiritual connection. It can certainly be a helpful tool for bringing in spiritual messages. As one customer said, “The pillow helped me get ‘tapped into’ my spirituality so that I could make significant changes in my life. I also paid close attention to my very lucid dreams which were incredibly powerful, as well as gave me very specific directions that I should take in my life.”
If one of your goals is to meditate more, connect to a great extent to Source and you would like to have a healing tool or mini heating pad to help facilitate this deepening experience, perhaps it is time to buy BioMat products online. Feel free to order on this website or call us at 952-829-1919). We look forward to working together … and helping facilitate happy meditating! 😉
A bit different way to meditate came through a special gift – the “Daily Calm” book for Christmas one year. This awesome book reminds us of the “daily calm” with the BioMat!
The “Daily Calm” book is published by the National Geographic. As you might expect, the photography is stunningly beautiful. They selected twelve main themes and then, each day of the month includes a wonderful heart-centered quote. It is a lovely reminder to bring peace and calm each day into our lives.
And the Richway BioMat also does that, too! We recently heard from a customer, “I am not sure how exactly the BioMat works, but for me, it sure relaxes my muscles.” Perhaps it is enough to not know exactly the how of it working, but accepting that it does?! As a culture and world, we are so busy and “on” 24 x 7 that relaxation and calm are rare “commodities” and much needed in our stressed out lives and world.
BioMat Inc. offers a no-obligation, free trial for any of the Richway BioMat products, including the professional-size BioMat, the Amethyst Pillow and Mini BioMat. This allows you to experience the health benefits of this powerful healing tool. Here’s the deal … you can purchase the BioMat and if you are not satisfied or are finding it is not helping you, you may return it for a full refund. (There are a couple of stipulations. Be sure to read the “Free Trial” information on the home page of this website.)
We are honored to bring this holistic product to you and the world! If you’d like to order today, call us at 952-829-1919).