In some parts of the U.S., winter may be waning, but it’s still important to thrive with a BioMat during the colds and flu season. How did we do this before the bio-mat?! We continue to be so grateful for ours and we hear this from customers all the time!!

In this special post, we share a colds and flu remedy … and of course, it does include the BioMat!

During cold and flu season, the BioMat can be an especially important modality of healing. The far infrared heat of the BioMat combined with Young Living Thieves* essential oil gives you a potency of synergy!

Perhaps you are not familiar with Thieves essential oil. It is an immune booster and we suggest:

  • Putting one or two drops of Thieves on your feet bottoms, as well as below your clavicle bone (also called the high heart).
  • Turn up the heat on your professional-size BioMat and place your head on the Amethyst & Tourmaline Pillow.
  • Be sure to “cocoon” by wrapping a blanket tightly around you and if possible, sleep for at least 1-2 hours.

This is a great preventative measure keeping colds and flu away. If you do this “formula” at the very first sign of catching a cold, you may well ward it off! In other words, try not to wait until it has morphed into a head cold.

If you are interested in either the Richway BioMat or Thieves essential oil, we are happy to connect! Here’s to your health as we finish out the colds/flu season in the northern hemisphere.

* Thieves is a spicy aromatic blend of the following essential oils: lemon, cloves, eucalyptus, cinnamon and rosemary. We suggest doing the above bullet-point formula daily to avert colds and flu. (Thieves is also available in many other Young Living personal care and home cleaning products.)