We are excited to share about the BioMat’s healing benefits of infrared heat. Many people in the United States do not know about or understand the profound benefits of far infrared heat. One of our purposes (and joy!) is to educate and share information about this special healing type of heat. And far infrared heat is one of the three elements in the bio-mat.
The Japanese have used infrared heat for many years and have also done extensive research, detailing its healing properties. These research studies have shown infrared heat’s ability to help the body heal itself. Our bodies emit and absorb this unique heat. Further, the research bears out that a one degree (1°) temperature increase raises our immunity by 40%. As the bio-mat penetrates six to eight inches (6-8”) into the body, this is definitely boosting the internal body temperature, making it less possible for disease to reside in the body. THIS IS VITALLY IMPORTANT AT THIS TIME OF THE CORONAVIRUS.
Another very interesting thing about far infrared heat is it is deep, core-level heat, staying in the body for up to four (4) hours. This heat penetrates our tissues, muscles and organs, plus it activates our cells, stimulates our 3,000+ essential enzymes, and enhances/opens up our blood circulation. (Opening up our circulation helps us release inflammation – and the amethyst in the BioMat, then helps us detoxify impurities out of the body.) The depth and penetration of far infrared heat helps us feel relief from pain because it reaches the injury location (not just warming the skin). When the body is warmed internally, the heat signals to our brain to “cancel” out the pain – hence, giving us the feeling of relief from the pain. Finally, far infrared heat’s benefits include boosting our metabolism and burning calories, and clearing our skin by unclogging the pores from impurities.
If you are interested in learning more about the Richway BioMat and far infrared heat, please connect with us at [email protected] or 952-829-1919.