The BioMat utilizes a synergistic combination of:
- Far Infrared Heat
- Amethyst Crystals
- Tourmaline Crystals
- Negative Ions
The BioMat offers natural, whole body support whether for home use or your professional practice. You may experience:
- Restful sleep (for those with occasional sleeplessness)
- Immune system support
- Easing of minor joint pain and stiffness
- Increased blood circulation in areas where applied
A Real BioMat or a Cheaper Knock-Off?
The real BioMat has FDA approval and outstanding quality, plus more than 20 years of research and improvements. Our customers want the best for their health; the original BioMat provides this healing assistance. […]
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BioMat Distributor Compensation Plan
Recently, Richway International announced BioMat distributor compensation plan details for different [...]
A Children’s Book about the BioMat
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De-Stress with the BioMat
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Feel the Love
“Best purchase I ever made! I purchased the BioMat and use the mat at least 4-5 times per week. I have found doing only 30 minutes gives me great relief.”
Honestly, the BioMat has changed my husband and my whole life! Why did we wait so long to purchase the BioMat?!”
“I love the deep peace that the BioMat brings and it brings relief quickly. I consider it essential for my wellness and spiritual practices.”
“I realized today how different my life is … well, after sleeping on a bed of amethyst for the past three years, how can life not be different and better?!!”
“I have been thinking about the pro set (professional-size BioMat and pillow) for months and what keeps coming to me is I need this for my self-care. I’m ordering mine today!”