Did you know you possibly can get BioMats using healthcare flex accounts? These special health care accounts are called Flexible Medical Accounts (FMAs) or Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), etc. (There are possibly other accounts available but these are the two we are most familiar with and have worked with.) These accounts allow you to use pre-tax dollars for various medical and holistic products.
As you likely know, we are not a tax advisor or an accountant. Please consult with your personal financial representative(s) about specific rules, stipulations and eligibility of using these funds for Richway BioMat(s) and/or accessories. Be sure to find out if bio-mats are a “qualified” product within your plan. Also, each plan is different so it is important to determine what plan you have and its parameters. With this info, we can help at 952-829-1919.
Your flexible health care plan may have a “Use it/Lose it” clause. This means you will need to use your remaining monies by the end of this calendar year (December 31, 2022). As we are already in the middle of the month, now is a great time to begin ordering your BioMat(s) before it is too late. We are happy to help (952-829-1919) or you can click here to go directly to our shopping cart.
If we connect on the phone, you will want to mention you are using your Flexible Medical Account (FMA) or Health Savings Account (HSA) or other health care spending plan. You are investing in a BioMat for yourself and/or your loved ones’ health and overall well-being. Of course, we are a bit impartial, but we can’t think of a better way to spend your monies!! 😉 We look forward to connecting with you … and here’s to many happy days and times ahead of BioMat-ing in the upcoming New Year 2023!!