Did you know about the BioMat’s FDA approval? The Richway BioMat (professional-size) is Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved. It is classified as a Class II medical device with reference number #2954299. Available in several sizes, not all sizes are FDA-approved. And please note: the information in this post (and actually, all of our blog posts) include the following medical disclaimer – information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or recommended treatments. It is not intended to cure, diagnose or treat medical conditions, nor is it a substitute for the product User’s Guide. Please consult with a medical professional regarding any health concerns and before beginning this or any other new health care program. Any information with regard to personal testimonials about the product do not reflect nor represent product claims. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
Further, the FDA gives Richway International (the BioMat’s parent company) and all its authorized distributors specific guidelines about requirements to comply with when discussing bio-mats. The below list fits and conforms to the FDA’s rules and regulations. The BioMat is an alternative healing tool for pain and the management of pain. Health benefits may include:
- Relieves pain and eases joint stiffness
- Promotes relaxation and sleep
- Improves immune function
- Increases blood circulation and cardiovascular function
- Removes waste and toxins, and assists in detoxification
- Improves skin
- Helps to drain the lymphatic system.
In addition, the amethyst BioMat is popular and proven effective (although not based on research) with customers with health issues, such as:
- Lower back pain or injuries
- Sore muscles, sprains, muscle spasms and soft tissue injuries
- Arthritis and muscular-skeletal ailments
- Fibromyalgia and other auto-immune diseases
- Cancer
- Autism.
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